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Data Requests

The APS TARC is able to provide data from the National Adult Maltreatment Reporting System (NAMRS). NAMRS collects state Adult Protective Services (APS) data to provide consistent, accurate national data on the maltreatment of older adults and adults with disabilities. 


NAMRS data can assist programs in comparing their data with other states of comparable administration, practice or policy. 

Close up photo of hands on a keyboard with a grid and graph overlaid on top

Examples of past data requests: 


  • What months do other states experience the highest number of new reports? 
  • How many staff do states similar to mine have? 
  • What is the standard of evidence used by APS programs with a similar structure to mine? 
  • How many states use Emergency Protective Orders in lieu of guardianship? 

If you have a data request, contact us with details and we’ll see what we can do to help! 

Last Modified: 11/30/2023