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Group of elderly men friends outside at a lake sitting down drinking coffee
Elder Justice and Adult Protective Services Technical Assistance Resource Center logos

APS Technical Assistance 

Resource Center

Home / Peer Support

Peer Support



The APS TARC Listserv is an email forum for APS staff and affiliated professionals. The purpose of the listserv is to provide a forum for communication on how to improve the effectiveness of APS programs. The APS TARC will use the listserv to communicate news and developments in the field to subscribers. Subscribers will use it to ask question and seek input from other subscribers on ways to improve their APS services.


All subscribers of the listserv will receive messages that individual subscribers send. Messages are moderated, meaning a moderator will review each message before it is sent to ensure that it meets listserv guidelines. 


The following individuals are eligible to subscribe to the listserv: 

  • Adult protective services professionals, such as, but not limited to: Caseworkers/Investigators, Nurses, Supervisors,  Administrators, Legal staff, Trainers, Support staff
  • Researchers/Educators
  • Law enforcement officers
  • Legal professionals (attorneys, judges, etc.)
  • Health professionals (doctors, nurses, etc.)
  • Financial services professionals (financial advisors, banking staff, etc.)
  • Aging and disability services professionals (area agency on aging staff, protection & advocacy, prevention programs    staff, etc.)
  • Mental health practitioners (psychiatrists, mental health counselors, etc.)


All messages sent to the APS TARC listserv are moderated. APS TARC staff will review each message to determine if it meets the following guidelines.

  • The APS TARC listserv is government-funded. Lobbying for or against any legislation is prohibited.
  • Members may not advertise career opportunities or paid products.
  • Personally identifiable information about clients/victims is strictly prohibited.
  • Members are encouraged to be clear and concise in their messages.
  • Abuse, derogatory or profane language is prohibited.


To subscribe to the listserv, contact us using the form at the bottom of this page and include your name, title, organization, city and state. Please include a sentence on your interest in adult protective services and your professional affiliation.


Moderators will review each request to subscribe. Once subscribed, you’ll receive a message with details regarding your subscription.

Peer Calls


Have you ever wished that you could tap into the expertise of other APS investigators/caseworkers, supervisors or administrators who may be struggling with similar issues or concerns that you deal with daily? The APS TARC offers Peer Support Discussions, called "Let's Talk APS," for all APS professionals. Staff from all disciplines are invited to join us at both scheduled times.


These virtual meetings will allow you to ask others to help you with difficult cases, brainstorm how to work with challenging partners, share resources and get advice on how to tackle related concerns framed around discussion questions on related topics. In exchange, you will be asked to help your peers with your own insights and experience. APS TARC staff will not be providing advice on these calls - you and your peers are the experts and have valuable insights to share.


If you are interested in joining one of the calls, please join the APS TARC Listserv for monthly registration notifications or contact us using the form at the bottom of this page for more information.



Sample topics - training, 
investigation, care planning, etc.
Third Wednesday of Each Month at 3:00 pm ET/12:00 pm PT
Program Management
Sample topics - policy, programmatic
and staffing issues, legislation, etc.
Fourth Wednesday of Each Month at 3:00 pm ET/12 pm PT

Last Modified: 11/30/2023