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APS Technical Assistance 

Resource Center

Home / Learning & Resources / Podcasts


Podcasts share promising practices and innovations from adult protective services (APS) and allied programs across the country. Our goal is to highlight what is achievable with fresh ideas and new partnerships to help you envision what may be replicated in your program.

Have an APS project or program that you think our listeners should hear about?

Contact us and let us know.

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Protecting the Protectors - Highlighting the Texas Dept. of Family & Protective Services Safety Unit
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Partnership between Nevada APS and Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada
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Trauma on the Job: Surviving Exposure in APS
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APS & Reporter Communication - EDC Pathways to Safety Improving Communication
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A Conversation with the Native American Elder Justice Initiative
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Department of Justice Elder Justice Initiative and the MDT Resource Center
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Administrative Approaches to Self-Neglect in Colorado, Oregon, and Tennessee

Last Modified: 08/13/2024